about two months ago i opened this issue on Jira :

i'm using a form that contain a dataTable component . There is also a button
that modify the model of the table with
an array of only one element with the single fields initialized to ""
(String fields) and has the attribute immediate set
to true. When the form is rendered after i have pressed the button with the
immediate attribute set to true ,the value that i obtain is the value
submitted and not the value of the model.
I have found the following workaround that i have put on a properties of the
row of the table that is called on the rendering phase:

if (component.getSubmittedValue() != null &&
    arrayOfRecord[model.getRowIndex()].getCodice() != null &&

Codice())) {


I have used the value of the model and not the component.getValue() because
also this was not the same
of the value of te model.
I can try to create a simple case if it is necessary o the problem is not
The problem seems the same of the issue 187 (that it is closed) but i i have
tested the night builds and nothing
changed. However in the release notes of the night builds the issue is not
reported as solved.

Unfortunately none has considered the problem or ask me some more
information or tell me that there are many more important
problems. I would like to help to resolve the problem but what can i do ?

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