After putting ids on all the elements in the tables (including <h:column>, <h:outputText> and <h:outputLink> elements) the problem seems to have gone away.

I think the element it was choking on was a link that was outside any forms. So only parent it would have had was the <f:view> element. That should be okay right? JSF elements don't all have to be within <h:form> elements do they?


Martin Marinschek wrote:

The thing with the duplicate id's is only one possible reason.

you should look at the component path that is indicated - according to that, your component would need to be a top-level object - it does not have any parent object at all?



On 8/8/05, *Richard Wallace* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Ok, a bit of an update.  The issue only comes up when I have both
    of the
    tables on the same page.  If I comment one out with <%-- %> tags then
    everything works fine when adding.  I can comment out either one
    so it's
    not a problem specific to just one of the tables, it's something about
    having them both that is causing the problem.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks again,

    Balaji Saranathan wrote:

    >I'm not sure about the problem at your hand,
    >But I have found it extremely helpful and clean in assigning the IDs
    >myself to all the components in a page. It helps in debugging too.
    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: Richard Wallace [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
    >Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 2:58 PM
    >To: MyFaces Discussion
    >Subject: Tracking down duplicate ids
    >Hey everybody,
    >Got a nasty little problem that I'm not sure what the best way to go
    >about solving it is.  I've got a page with a couple of dataTables
    and a
    >couple of forms on it.  One form and dataTable is for one type of
    >and the other form and dataTable are for another type of object.  The
    >forms are for adding new instances.
    >The problem I'm running into is that after adding an instance of
    >type I get these exceptions:
    >javax.faces.FacesException: cannot add component with id '_id55' and
    >path : {Component-Path : [Class:
    >javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText,Id: _id55]} to its parent
    >component. This might be a problem due to duplicate ids.
    >On most of the elements I'm just letting myfaces generate the ids, so
    >I'm not sure how this is happening.  If I just goto the url directly
    >after doing the add it works fine and the new entries are shown.
    >What's the best way to track down what is actually causing
    this?  Should
    >I just start giving ids to all my jsf elements or what?
    >Confidentiality Notice
    >The information contained in this electronic message and any
    attachments to this message are intended
    >for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain
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