Yes that stuff is under rewrite as we speak.  Make sure you are using
the latest nightly build b/c whatever you are doing with 1.0.9 may
break (it shouldn't but its better to use the nightly at this point
since we are close to releasing.)

We're working on adding support to expand particular node paths, etc. 
Take a look at the latest source and feel free to suggest a patch to
accomplish what you are talking about.  There are a few people
requesting this type of feature.

If you aren't able to supply a patch but have some ideas, feel free to
post them.


On 8/11/05, Dennis Byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There used to be a map somewhere in one of the UIComponents.
> In it were keys that corresponded to the node ids of expanded
> nodes.  In other words, node expansion state was stored
> outside the node.  I think Sean may have recently rewrote
> that part so if you manage to pull this off with 1.0.9, it
> may not work in the next version.
> ---- Original message ----
> >Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 09:43:12 -0400
> >From: Jeff Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Another tree2 question
> >To: MyFaces Discussion <>
> >
> >   I posted a quetion yesterday about dynamically
> >   selecting nodes in tree2 from typing in a search
> >   textbox.  Thanks to all for the suggestions.  I've
> >   just about got accomplished what I'm trying to do.
> >   The only thing left, is that when I type
> >   the identifier of a child node in my search textbox
> >   the parent node isn't expanding, but the child node
> >   is being 'highlighted'/selected.  How do I
> >   programmatically expand parent nodes on the server?
> >
> >   Thanks again,
> >   Jeff Cooper
> Dennis Byrne

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