Open a JIRA issue on this one.  I believe there are a few problems
with the new TreeState interface.  I will look into it later this


On 8/13/05, Andreas Schenk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> it seems to me that the state saving mechanism of tree2 is broken:
> As I wrote earlier today in another thread, tree2 with client side toggling
> does collapse completely when a leaf is clicked, if URL rewriting is used to
> track sessions.
> Thus I switched to cookies and ran into another problem: When I change the
> tree structure the application dumps. However, when I delete all cookies on
> the client side and try again, all works well. It is not straight forward to
> reproduce this behaviour as it depends on how the tree structure changes.
> Some changes do not cause the app to dump, others do.
> Note that I didn't change the tree structure dynamically in the web app; I
> just changed it in the code and redeployed the application. I would guess --
> but I don't know -- that the problem is worse if the tree structure is
> changed dynamically by the web app itself.
> What will happen, if more than one tree is present in one web app, or even in
> one page? What, if framesets are used in addition?
> Regards
> Andreas Schenk

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