Title: Tree2 blank screen


Finally I have been able to convince my management to use MyFaces. The first component that we would be replacing is our own custom basic tree with Tree 2. I added the latest nightly build of tomahawk.jar and added the ExtensionsFilter in the faces config.

My problem is now my navigation tree frame is blank. No exception or trace.
Only prints that I see related to MyFaces is

22:49:34,974 INFO  [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 'org.apache.myfaces.PRETTY_HTML' found, using default value true

22:49:34,974 INFO  [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 'org.apache.myfaces.ALLOW_JAVASCRIPT' found, using default value true

22:49:34,974 INFO  [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 'org.apache.myfaces.DETECT_JAVASCRIPT' found, using default value false

22:49:34,974 INFO  [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 'org.apache.myfaces.AUTO_SCROLL' found, using default value false

My entries are pretty simple like below. I do not have the StartupServletContextListener registered. Would that be an issue? Or is it because ExtensionsFilter support is undetermined on Sun RI yet? Without the form tag below, I get a getHiddenFieldName error still.

Has anyone got the Tree2 with Sun RI after the My-Faces291 issue was fixed?

<h:form id="treeform" >
        <x:tree2 value="#{NavTreeHandler.treeData}" id="server-tree" var="node" varNodeToggler="t" clientSideToggle="false"

                showLines="false" showNav="false">
                         <f:facet name="root">
                    <h:commandLink immediate="true" action="#{t.toggleExpanded}">                     
                    <h:outputText value="#{node.description}" styleClass="nodeFolder"/>
                <f:facet name="zone">
                    <h:commandLink immediate="true" action="#{t.toggleExpanded}">                     
                    <h:outputText value="#{node.description}" styleClass="nodeFolder"/>

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