I think this is where something like Shale will help - having your backingBean implement ViewControlloer http://struts.apache.org/shale/features.html#view  You would use the prerender() method to populate your form with what you needed. I'm new to all of this (JSF/Shale) but in the process of trying to get something like this to work.

On 8/23/05, albartell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The way I do it is to have page1.jsp make a call to a backing bean method
that fills global variables with data. Note that my backing beans that do
this are defined in the session scope. Another way to do it would be to pass
the necessary information via the <f:param> tag.  You can imbed that tag
within a commandLink, for instance, and when the user clicks the button the
appropriate action method will be executed, and in that action method you
can retrieve the value passed on <f:param>.

Aaron Bartell

-----Original Message-----
From: Bjørn T Johansen [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 3:27 AM
To: users@myfaces.apache.org
Subject: Populating a web page?

In Struts I can use the action method to call some method to get the data
and populate the form, but what is the best way of doing this in myfaces
I.e I am on one page and going to another, but before rendering the other
page I need to get some data from a database...



Bjørn T Johansen

Someone wrote:
"I understand that if you play a Windows CD backwards you hear strange
Satanic messages"
To which someone replied:
"It's even worse than that; play it forwards and it installs Windows"


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