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maybe you could help me with my link problem. why my links open a new
browser? i wrote the problem in the thread "JSCookMenu Problems with
Themes and with Action".


Delbrouck, Henri-Philippe wrote:
> Your code seems ok.
> In my code, I directly work with array. Perhaps you should try.
> My backing bean is defined like this:
> public class MyMenu{
>       private NavigationMenuItem[] navItems;
>       public MyMenu{
>               NavigationMenuItem[] subItems1 = new NavigationMenuItem[3];
>               NavigationMenuItem fileMenu = new
> NavigationMenuItem(this,"File","",false,true,"action",null,false);
>               subItems1[0] = new
> NavigationMenuItem(this,"test1","test1",false,true,"action1",null,false);
>               subItems1[1] = new
> NavigationMenuItem(this,"test2","test2",false,true,"action2",null,false);
>               subItems1[2] = new
> NavigationMenuItem(this,"test3","test3",false,true,"action3",null,false);
>               fileMenu.setNavigationMenuItems(subItems1);
>       }
>       public NavigationMenuItem[] getNavItems(){
>               return navItems;
>       }
>       public void setNavItems(NavigationMenuItem[] navItems){
>               this.navItems = navItems;
>       }
> }
> Hope this help
> Henri-Philippe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stefan Gesigora [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: mercredi 24 août 2005 13:07
> To: MyFaces Discussion
> Subject: AW: problem with JSCookMenu
> Hi!
> Thanks for the hints!!
> I tried like Helmut told me. Now I can see the first level of the menu but
> the submenus weren't shown...
> Here's my code.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks Stefan Gesigora
> public List getMenu() {
> List menu = new ArrayList(); 
> NavigationMenuItem incident = new NavigationMenuItem("Incident", "action1",
> null,false);
> NavigationMenuItem phases = new NavigationMenuItem("Phases", "action2",
> null,false);
> NavigationMenuItem factories = new NavigationMenuItem("Factories ",
> "action3", null,false);
> List testSub = new ArrayList();
>     testSub.add(new NavigationMenuItem("Development",
>                                         "action10", null, false));
>     testSub.add(new NavigationMenuItem("Consultancy",
>                                         "action11", null, false));
>     testSub.add(new NavigationMenuItem("Services",
>                                         "action12", null, false));
> NavigationMenuItem[] testSubArray =
> (NavigationMenuItem[])testSub.toArray(new NavigationMenuItem[0]);
> menu.add(incident);  
> menu.add(phases); 
> menu.add(factories);
> ((NavigationMenuItem)menu.get(1)).setNavigationMenuItems(testSubArray);
> return menu;
> }
> <x:jscookMenu layout="hbr" theme="ThemeOffice">
>       <x:navigationMenuItems value="#{MenuBean.menu}" />
> </x:jscookMenu>
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Helmut Juskewycz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. August 2005 12:31
> An: MyFaces Discussion
> Betreff: Re: problem with JSCookMenu
> hi,
> i only see jscookmenu when i declare the script in the head otherwise i
> see nothing. also on http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk/jscookmenu.html
> it says that the declaration should stand in the head.
> i now use the t:tag but i see no difference.
> in my web.xml there are no extension filter, so it should be the default
>  config?
> and by the way thanks for help =) maybe u could look also at my problem
> with the link (i wrote today and yesterday in the list).
> Delbrouck, Henri-Philippe wrote:
>>>If you use the JSCookMenu tag, and correctly configure the extension
> filter
>>>(default config) in the web.xml, you don't need to define any Javascript
>>>In your page. The corresponding file are automatically uploaded on the
>>>client and referenced in he page.
>>>As there is a bug in the 1.0.9 version, you have to download the latest
>>>nightly build where the bug is resolved.
>>>Have a look at the mail from Bruno Aranda (09 jun 2005). There is an
> exemple
>>>how to use the menu in a dynamic way. 
>>>If you download the latest nightly build, the extension are now in the
>>>tomahaw.jar. You should then use the prefix t.
>>>Hope this help.
>>>If still problem, please ask.
>>>Henri-Philippe Delbrouck
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Helmut Juskewycz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>Sent: mercredi 24 août 2005 11:09
>>>To: MyFaces Discussion
>>>Subject: Re: problem with JSCookMenu
>>>u must add the following to the header:
>>>  <!-- JSCook Menu -->
>>>  <script language="JavaScript" src="jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js"
>>>  <script language="JavaScript"
>>>  <link rel="stylesheet" href="jscookmenu/ThemePanel/theme.css"
>>>optional: Get the latest Nightly Build because there were some bugs with
>>>then just add the jscookmenu and the items. u can add the items like in
>>>the example (you can find it in the myfaces examples/inc/pageHeader, and
>>>correct the theme u would like to use - same must defined in the header):
>>>    <x:jscookMenu layout="hbr" theme="ThemeOffice" >
>>>        <%/* Availaible jscookMenu themes: ThemeIE, ThemeMiniBlack,
>>>ThemeOffice, ThemePanel
>>>             Availaible jscookMenu layout: hbr, hbl, hur, hul, vbr, vbl,
>>>vur, vul
>>>             respect to Heng Yuan http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~heng/JSCookMenu
>>>        */%>
>>>        <x:navigationMenuItem id="nav_1"
>>>        </x:navigationMenuItem>
>>>        <x:navigationMenuItem id="nav_3"
>>>itemLabel="#{example_messages['nav_Documentation']}" >
>>>            <x:navigationMenuItem id="nav_3_1"
>>>itemLabel="#{example_messages['nav_Features']}" action="go_features"
>>>icon="images/myfaces.gif" />
>>>        </x:navigationMenuItem>
>>>        <x:navigationMenuItem id="nav_4"
>>>itemLabel="#{example_messages['nav_Options']}" action="go_options" />
>>>        <x:navigationMenuItems id="nav_5"
>>>value="#{navigationMenu.infoItems}" />
>>>    </x:jscookMenu>
>>>or the other way:
>>>     <x:jscookMenu layout="vbr" theme="ThemePanel">
>>>             <x:navigationMenuItems value="#{MenuBean.enu}" />
>>>     </x:jscookMenu>
>>>and the Bean returns a List or Array of Navigation Items
>>>public List<NavigationMenuItem> getMenu() {
>>>List<NavigationMenuItem> menu = new ArrayList<NavigationMenuItem>();
>>>menu.add(new NavigationMenuItem("bla", "action", null,false));
>>>return menu;
>>>Stefan Gesigora wrote:
>>>>>Hello folks!
>>>>>I've got some problems using JSF RI + myfaces extensions with the
>>>>>component JSCookMenu. I've tried several settings but it didn't work!
>>>>>Could anyone give me a description how to implement the JSCookMenu in
>>>>>the right way? 
>>>>>Thanks a lot
>>>>>Stefan Gesigora
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