I am trying to use tiles to make designing an application admin interface much easier to maintain. I am having trouble getting tiles and alias to bean to work together and wonder if anyone knows of an workaround or the proper method for getting it to work. I'm including a short amount of my code that should help explain what I am trying to do.

    #### FROM adminMainLayout ####

        <x:aliasBean alias="#{simpleElementBean}" value="#{pageBean}">
        <x:aliasBean alias="#{dao}" value="#{typeDao}">
        <x:aliasBean alias="#{type}" value="#{typeDesc}">
                <h:panelGrid columns="1">
                    <f:subview id="selectorAndControls">
                        <t:insert attribute="selectorAndControls" flush="false" />
                    <f:subview id="elementPropertiesPane">
                        <t:insert attribute="elementPropertiesPane" flush="false"/>

    #### FROM tiles.xml ####

    <!-- Locations -->
    <definition name="/admin/locations.tiles" extends="adminMainLayout">
        <put name="typeDesc" value="locations"/>
        <put name="pageTitle" value="Locations"/>
        <put name="pageBean" value="#{LocationsBean}"/>
        <put name="typeDao" value="#{LocationsDao}"/>


    <!--  Time Commitments -->
    <definition name="/admin/timecommitments.tiles" extends="adminMainLayout">
        <!-- <put name="elementPropertiesPane" value="/admin/nameAndOrderElementPane.jsp"/>-->
        <put name="typeDesc" value="commitments"/>
        <put name="pageTitle" value="Time Commitments"/>
        <put name="pageBean" value="#{TimeCommitmentsBean}"/>
        <put name="typeDao" value="#{TimeCommitmentsDao}"/>



    <!--  Age Ranges -->
    <definition name="/admin/ageranges.tiles" extends="adminMainLayout">
        <!-- <put name="elementPropertiesPane" value="/admin/nameAndOrderElementPane.jsp"/>-->
        <put name="typeDesc" value="ranges"/>
        <put name="pageTitle" value="Age Ranges"/>
        <put name="pageBean" value="#{AgeRangesBean}"/>
        <put name="typeDao" value="#{AgeRangesDao}"/>

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