for 3) :

use the preserveDataModel of the dataTable



On 8/26/05, Dennis Byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >      * Suppose this (selecting a row while model has been
> >concurrently modified by a different user):
> Is the backing bean that supplies the List/DataModel/UIData
> in session scope?  If so, this is a consequence of the
> design, not JSF.  You'll get the same thing w/ Tapestry, or
> ASP.NET for that matter.
> >         3) Submitted value (selected checkbox of the first
> row) will
> >be applied to the first row of the model. So, actually the
> second row
> >is selected :-(. (we've developed a quite simple solution,
> so if you
> >are interested, let me know - and we definitely do not
> serialize whole
> >model of the table!)
> Please share this w/ the list. This comes up a lot in my shop
> and it would be appreciated.  I'm also looking for ideas for
> one of my side projects,
> .
> Dennis Byrne

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