Alternatively, you can use t:saveState to persist your backing bean
(teamsManager) rather than the data model (teamsManager.scheduleList).
  It works the same way (saves your bean state into the component
tree), but allows you more control.

On 9/6/05, Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Use tomahawks dataTable with preserveDataModel="true".
>  Sun's RI requires backing bean in dataModel to be in session scope; an
> unnecessary cost in many cases.  MyFaces will store your backing bean in
> this page only; an awsome extention without cost of making baking bean
> session scope!
> On 9/6/05, Lou Morin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Does anybody know if the following is valid :
> > 
> > <h:form>
> > 
> > <h:dataTable value="#{teamsManager.scheduleList}" var="mySchedule"
> rows="0"
> > width="100%"> 
> > 
> >   <h:column>
> > 
> >       <h:commandLink action="TeamHome"
> > actionListener="#{teamsManager.teamHomeEvent}">
> >           <h:outputText value="#{mySchedule.opponent}" escape="false"/> 
> >           <f:param name="myTeamId" value="#{mySchedule.opponentId}"/>
> >       </h:commandLink>
> > 
> >   </h:column>
> > 
> > </h:dataTable>
> > 
> > </h:form>
> > 
> > 
> > The backing bean "teamsManager" is in request scope ... the actionListener
> > in the commandLink within the dataTable does not get invoked. The same
> > commandLink outside of a dataTable works fine.
> > 
> > I am converting my application from struts/tiles to myfaces/tiles ... I
> was 
> > initially converting it to RI/tiles but, RI had the same problem.
> > 
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Lou
> > 
> > 
> > 

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