You can not put x:savestate inside a column. The state of the nested
columns components is not saved for each row.

2005/9/19, Christian Froelich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I tried to save foo and only foo with x:saveState but it's
> not working.... the action method is NOT CALLED.
> now my jsp looks like that:
> <h:column id="columnBrowsTab1" rendered="#{foo.secondBoolean}">
>    <x:saveState id="foo" value="#{foo}"/>
>    <h:commandLink action="#{listener.sort}"
>        value="#{listener.browserHeadList[1]}"
>        rendered="#{foo.obid == 'obid'}" >
>      <f:param id="sortBy" name="sortBy"
>          value="#{listener.browserHeadList[1]}"></f:param>
>      <f:param id="colNr" name="colNr" value="'1'"></f:param>
>    </h:commandLink>
>    <h:outputText  value="#{foo.secondColumn}"
>        rendered="#{foo.obid != 'obid' and !(foo.obid == listener.obid)}"/>
>    <h:outputText  value="#{foo.secondColumn}"
>        rendered="#{(foo.obid == listener.obid)}"
>        styleClass="treeNodeSelected"/>
> </h:column>
> I would be glad if anyone could give me another hint!
> Warm Regards,
> Christian
> --
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