
I googled about the problem. It seems to be related to classloaders which hold resources like memory, tcp ports and files. The issue exists in Java 1.4.2, maby only on Windows. Java 1.5 fixed some but not all problems - havent tried it. I also had always the problem that after some (around 30) redeploys I get an OutOfMemoryExecption... same problem ;-)

You can read more about the issue in the blog at (*1). For me personaly I solved the problem by adding the following to the META-INF\context.xml file:

        <Context antiResourceLocking="true" antiJARLocking="true">

When in Tomcat the antiXXXLocking are true, Tomcat copies all files from the application to its temp folder and uses this files - which means that deployment is slower (due copying) and your temp folder gets full.

Dont know why this didnt work the first time...

But, ok, its solved.

(*1) http://blog.exis.com/colin/archives/2005/08/23/i-put-a-spell-on-you-because-youre-mine-aka-why-is-tomcat-holding-onto-jars/

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