Well, we are currently discussing on releasing a new version.

I think we should let the dust of the 1.1.0 release settle, and in a
few weeks release a new version.

Daily release won't be possible, as there needs to be time for testing
and time for the builds to move out to the mirrors!

you should use the nightly builds for this...

But in any case please open a jira issue for your problem!



On 9/26/05, ir. ing. Jan Dockx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do not speculate any longer! There is a serious bug here. We switched
> to 1.1.0 today (at the last day before deployment) from an august
> nightly, because of a showstopper bug in dataTable we discovered late.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] confirmed here yesterday that it was a
> known bug, which was fixed late in august. Sadly, we did not find a
> stable nightly inbetween the nightly we were using, and 1.1.0.
> So we took the plunge.
> Two things went wrong. The first is that SelectOneRadio doesn't work
> correctly anymore. We've seen some mails and JIRA's about that, and we
> can confirm, at least, that the initial value is not set when
> SelectOneRadio is used in a dataTable, but also not when used in a
> panelGrid. We worked around that by switching to a SelectOneMenu, which
> does work.
> The second thing we found out at 17:30h  :'-{. There is indeed a
> serious problem with converters. We use a SelectOneMenu to set a City
> object on a Person. City's are records in our DB with a Long primary
> key we use as value in the select. A Converter converts the PK to
> objects with getAsObject (getAsString simply return the PK from the
> object). We have seen indeed that the getAsObject is called on submit,
> then followed by a getAsString during the render phase BUT WITH the
> Long PK as THE VALUE. The component is asking to convert the String
> value into the String value!
> What is particularly weird is that, in the previous request/response
> phase, the select renders ok, which also requires a getAsString of
> course.
> To be sure,  we switched back to the nightly we were using before, and
> the select worked ok again. So, as far as we are concerned, this is a
> serious bug, at least in SelectOneMenu!. (It is devastating for us, in
> any case.) I'll add it to the JIRA to be sure. We also tried to
> workaround the issue, checking in the converter if the "value" argument
> for getAsString is a String, and then just returning it, but that
> didn't work either.
> Question: what is the stance on a quick fix of 1.1.0 of some major
> issues? OSS is releasing often, I believe … ;-). This is getting quite
> a community, and I for one am in favor of quickly releasing new
> versions, daily if must be, that fix showstopper issues one by one.
> On 26 Sep 2005, at 9:32, Dennis Byrne wrote:
> >> In my speculation it seems to me that the string value is
> > passed to
> >> the getAsObject method insted of getAsString method...
> >
> > This is correct.  The string is passed to getAsObject, the
> > object is passed to getAsString .
> > Dennis Byrne
> >
> >
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Jan Dockx
> PeopleWare NV - Head Office
> Cdt.Weynsstraat 85
> B-2660 Hoboken
> Tel: +32 3 448.33.38
> Fax: +32 3 448.32.66
> PeopleWare NV - Branch Office Geel
> Kleinhoefstraat 5
> B-2440 Geel
> Tel: +32 14 57.00.90
> Fax: +32 14 58.13.25
> http://www.peopleware.be/
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