I've found that I have been able to do everything I have wanted using jsf. You can "include" a bullet list in another page by doing something like this:

        <h:outputText value="<ul><li>#{index.HomePageText3}</li>
                <li>#{index.HomePageText8}</li></ul>" escape="false"/>


Simon Kitching wrote:
I'm talking about stuff like:
  <li><h:outputText value="#{somebean.item1}"/>
  <li><h:outputText value="#{somebean.item2}"/>

which will render normally if the page it is in is the one redirected to by the jsf navigation. But if it's a page *included* into another, eg by using Tiles then you get:

(or maybe it's the html first; I forget).

Even &nbsp; will cause you problems. I bet if you "view source" on the generated pages, you'll find that the &nbsp; isn't in the place you expected it to be. Of course if it's just occasional usage you can work around that with:
  <h:outputText escape="true" value="&nbsp;"/>
That workaround quickly becomes unmanageable though for cases like the list above.



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