
I am having trouble using the input calendar component as popup. The effects described below can be reproduced with version 1.1.0 in our production environment (OC4J, Java 1.5) and in several Tomcat versions (4.1, 5.0, 5.1, deploying myfaces examples) using IE, Firefox and Opera.


  • When the Button is clicked and the popup opens, the icons / symbols for switching the month back and forward (“the arrows”) are rendered only when the mouse has been moved over them.
  • Selecting a month from the dropdown list works fine, selecting a year from the dropdown list simply closes the complete popup, no new year is selected.
  • The “Today is” pattern cannot be localized / customized. Same to the week number (“Wk” in English).
  • The “Click to select” pattern in the status bar of the browser cannot be localized / customized
  • Maybe I am blind, but I am not able to make a submit after selecting a new value e.g. by executing “submit();” onchange.


As I expect the calendar component to have been tested and for others it works properly, I have no idea why it does not here. Any ideas?


Thanks, Daniel

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