Yes, it does. I put it on my G4 laptop - 1G RAM,
Tiger. It works. But it's extremely slow for what I
develop. So I switch to a Windows desktop with Intel
3.2GHz and 1G RAM. It's 5 times faster - 10 min vs 2
min to bring up JBoss/Tomcat/Liferay/MyStuff inside

I use eClipse 3.1/WTP on both Mac and Windows. Not
developing any JSF stuff though.


--- "ir. ing. Jan Dockx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can anybody confirm that the latest WTP works under
> Mac OS X or not?
> On 19 Oct 2005, at 14:09, Werner Punz wrote:
> > Conway. Fintan (IT Solutions) wrote:
> >> Hi Ted,
> >>
> >> Does the Web Tool Platform plugin have a JSF GUI
> tool?  If it has I
> >> would be very interested in using it.
> >>
> >> Many thanks,
> >>
> >> Fintan
> >>
> >>
> > Not yet, Oracle under the umbrella of Eclipse
> started an initiative
> > recently, but currently Nitrox, Exadel and
> MyEclipse have something.
> > Nitrox and Exadel are probably better in this area
> since MyEclipse just
> > introduct it and it is rather basic, while Exadels
> is pretty good.
> >
> > Exadel is based currently on the 0.8 WTP while
> MyEclipse currently is
> > based on an older version.
> > I cannot comment anything on Nitrox, due to not
> being able to 
> > personally
> > justify the price for private and MyFaces purposes
> :-)
> >
> > It simply is too expensive for hobbyist and small
> projects coding. Bea
> > should really do something there, otherwise they
> will lose the market 
> > in
> > the long run.
> >
> >
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Jan Dockx
> PeopleWare NV - Head Office
> Cdt.Weynsstraat 85
> B-2660 Hoboken
> Tel: +32 3 448.33.38
> Fax: +32 3 448.32.66
> PeopleWare NV - Branch Office Geel
> Kleinhoefstraat 5
> B-2440 Geel
> Tel: +32 14 57.00.90
> Fax: +32 14 58.13.25

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