If it applies, you can use the technique explained in
http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/SubmitPageOnValueChange using the
inputText instead of the selectOneMenu. It should work.
Or if you want to play with javascript you can take a look at
http://www.irian.at/myfaces/jslistener.jsf to see how the jslistener



2005/10/25, Jeffrey Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've seen 3 different examples of using the "valueChangeListener" attribute.
> I've seen…
> Example 1:
> JSP <h:inputText value="foo">
>  <f:valueChangeListener type="com.jsf.MyValueChangeListener"/>
> </h:inputText>
> CODE public class MyValueChangeListener implements ValueChangeListener {
>   public MyValueChangeListener() {  }
>   public void processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent vce)
> throws AbortProcessingException  {
>      System.out.println("A value has changed!");
>   }
> }
> Example 2:
> <h:inputText id="partNumber"
> value="#{nonConformingMaterial.partNumber}" required="true"
> valueChangeListener="#{nonConformingMaterial.changeEvent}"
>       onclick="submit()"
>       immediate="true"
> />
> Example 3:
> JSP <s:inputSuggestAjax suggestedItemsMethod="#{inputSuggestAjax.getItems}"
> styleLocation="" />
> I like example 3, very sexy. (see
> http://irian.at/myfaces-sandbox/inputSuggestAjax.jsf)
> But it's not what I need in my application.
> What I need is, when an inputText is filled in, an action is called so that
> another inputText field is automatically filled in.
> I presume that I should be trying to get example 1 working. Would you agree?

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