We're experiencing a problem using a commandLink (or commandButton)
inside a dataTable.  We're hoping that it's just something we're doing

If we copy the commandLink outside the dataTable (just as a test), and
then click on the commandLink outside the dataTable, then control goes
to the desired page.  

However, if we click on the commandLink that is inside the table, the
same page gets displayed (with an empty table).

Here is the JSP code:

<t:commandLink action="displayHome" title="Skill Id"
        <h:outputText value="test" styleClass="link"/>

<t:dataTable value="#{maintainSkillBean.skillList}" var="element"
headerClass="reportHeader" columnClasses="reportDetailLeft"
cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
                <f:facet name="header">
                        <h:outputText value="Skill Id"/>
                <t:commandLink action="displayHome" title="Skill Id"
styleClass="commandLinkHomePage" >
                        <h:outputText value="#{element.skillId}"

Any clues about why clicking the first commandLink would correctly bring
us to the home page, whereas clicking the second commandLink would just
redisplay the current page?  We have <t:messages> up top, and no error
messages are getting displayed.

- Brendan

P.S. We tried this with both 1.1.1RC2 and 1.1.1RC3, and we're getting
the same result.  We also tried using both <t:dataTable> and
<h:dataTable>, but still no luck.

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