Hi Mike,

I've been taking a look to your code, and if I understand well, you mean to do what you implement in the RowAndColumnRelationshipsHtmlDataTable constructor, but within my setter method inside my backing bean, don't you?

2005/11/3, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Try a different approach.

Put this code in your setPanelTabuladores() method.   You don't need
to create a HtmlPanelTabbedPane because this component is already
created for you.   All you need to do is create tabs and add them to
the table passed into the method.   I think you should do this using
parent.getChildren().add(child) instead of child.setParent() as that's
how I've always seen it done in the past.

You can find a very old example I wrote of dynamically creating
components in a dataTable subclass as an attachment here.   It might
be of help.  If so, the most interesting class is
RowAndColumnRelationshipsHtmlDataTable as it does all of the creation


On 11/3/05, Enrique Medina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am trying to dynamically create some components inside my backing bean,
> but I can't get it to work right now...
>  Imagine I have to dynamically generate some tabs inside a PanelTabbedPane,
> and one data table inside each tab, so I'll explain what I am doing:
>  1) In my JSP I define the HtmlPanelTabbedPaneTag:
>  <t:panelTabbedPane bgcolor="#F8F8F8" align="center"
> binding="#{puntuacionesBean.panelTabuladores}">
>  and as can be seen, I bind it to my component in my backing bean
> (puntuacionesBean).
>  2) Inside my backing bean (puntuacionesBean), I declare a variable named
> "panelTabuladores" with type UIPanel. Then I also declare a getter and a
> setter for it.
>  3) When the page is rendered, the HtmlPanelTabbedPaneTag invokes the
> HtmlPanelTabbedPane component, so my "getPanelTabuladores" method is called.
> So:
>      3.1) I check whether my "panelTabuladores" variable is null or not. If
> it is null, the I create myself the component, and then I create all the
> components that will be the children of the HtmlPanelTabbedPane (simulating
> tags inside tags):
>          if (this.panelTabuladores == null)
>          {
>              this.panelTabuladores = (HtmlPanelTabbedPane) FacesUtils
>                      .getApplication().createComponent(
> HtmlPanelTabbedPane.COMPONENT_TYPE);
>              UIPanel tab0 = (HtmlPanelTab) FacesUtils.getApplication()
>                      .createComponent(HtmlPanelTab.COMPONENT_TYPE);
>              ;
>              tab0.setParent(this.panelTabuladores);
>               tab0.setId("panelTab0");
>              tab0.getAttributes().put("label", "Variable0");
>              UIData tabla0 = (HtmlDataTable) FacesUtils.getApplication()
>                      .createComponent(HtmlDataTable.COMPONENT_TYPE);
>              tabla0.setId("tablaEdicionPuntuaciones0");
>               tabla0.setVar("puntuacion0");
>              tabla0.getAttributes().put("width", "100%");
>              tabla0.getAttributes().put("cellspacing", "1");
>              tabla0.getAttributes().put("cellpadding", "2");
>              tabla0.getAttributes().put("renderedIfEmpty", Boolean.FALSE);
>              tabla0.getAttributes().put("preserveDataModel", Boolean.FALSE);
>              tabla0.setValueBinding("value", FacesUtils
> .getValueBinding("#{puntuaciones.listasPuntuaciones[0]}"));
>              tabla0.setRows(10);
>              tabla0.getAttributes().put("rowClasses", "impar,par");
>              tabla0.getAttributes().put("headerClass", "apptblhdr");
>              tabla0.getAttributes().put("rowIndexVar", "numFila0");
>              tabla0.getAttributes().put("rowOnMouseOver", "tblOver(this)");
>              tabla0.getAttributes().put("rowOnMouseOut",
>                      "tblOut(this, #{numFila0%2})");
>              UIColumn col1 = (HtmlSimpleColumn) FacesUtils.getApplication()
>                      .createComponent(HtmlSimpleColumn.COMPONENT_TYPE);
>              col1.getAttributes().put("style", "text-align: center;");
>              UIOutput texto1 = (HtmlOutputText) FacesUtils.getApplication()
>                      .createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
>              texto1.setValueBinding("value", FacesUtils
>                      .getValueBinding("#{mensajes.puntuaciones_Tramos}"));
>              col1.setHeader(texto1);
>              UIOutput texto2 = (HtmlOutputText) FacesUtils.getApplication()
>                      .createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
>              texto2
>                      .setValueBinding(
>                              "value",
>                              FacesUtils
> .getValueBinding("#{puntuacion0.valor.minimo} -
> #{puntuacion0.valor.maximo}"));
>              col1.getChildren().add(texto2);
>              UIColumn col2 = (HtmlSimpleColumn) FacesUtils.getApplication()
>                      .createComponent(HtmlSimpleColumn.COMPONENT_TYPE);
>              col2.getAttributes().put("style", "text-align: center;");
>              UIInput texto3 = (HtmlInputText) FacesUtils.getApplication()
>                      .createComponent(HtmlInputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
>              texto3.setValueBinding("value", FacesUtils
>                      .getValueBinding("#{puntuacion0.puntuacion}"));
>              col2.getChildren().add(texto3);
>              tabla0.getChildren().add(col1);
>               tabla0.getChildren().add(col2);
>              tab0.getChildren().add(tabla0);
>              this.panelTabuladores.getChildren().add(tab0);
>              ....
>             As can be seen, I create every subcomponent and add it to the
> getChildren list of the parent component.
>      3.2) I return the just initialized "panelTabuladores" variables as a
> HtmlPanelTabbedPane component
>  The problem is that the tabs are visible, but the data table seems to be
> absolutely ignored, as it doesn't appear in the page.
>  However if, instead of the data table, I simply create tab with a text
> component inside it, then it is correctly displayed, so there must be a
> problem I cannot see with my data table.
>  Any help would be really appreciated.

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