Not being the definite expert on buffer, I would have said now.

'Buffer' buffers the output of the component rendering, afaik. Have
you tried aliasBean for achieving this? With aliasBean, the value is
retrieved once and set into the session - and is later recollected
when the aliasBean is closed.



On 11/4/05, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can <t:buffer> be used as variable to hold data to avoid multiple backing
> bean calls ?
> <t:buffer into=#{value} >
>   <h:outputText value="#{backBean.valueFromDB}"/>
> </t:buffer>
> <h:graphicImage url="a.jpg" rendered="#{value=='a'}"/>
> <h:graphicImage url="b.jpg" rendered="#{value=='b'}"/>
> It looks not very nice.
> I tried it in dataTable, but the page becomes blank without any error
> message.
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