Eduardo Leite wrote:
I tried switching to a nightly build, but I started having problems with the extensions filter that's in the nightly build. While parsing the html buffer, the parser comes to a point that ir enters in an infinite loop. I saw that there is a Jira issue that is related to the new Html parser of the extensions filter, and I suppose that you guys have seen this problem :) Any way, I switched back to the old version I was using, since it is working correctly.

There is no known problem with the ReducedHTMLParser at the moment. Although the JIRA issue is still open, the one known bug was patched in r330095 on 2nd of November.

So if you're getting this issue with a nightly build later than that, you've got a new issue not a known one. It would be very helpful to get the HTML that causes this issue. I think this can be done by disabling the ExtensionsFilter, loading the page, then doing "view source". I can then run that input through ReducedHTMLParser to see what might be triggering a loop.

You're not using CDATA in the page are you (ie have "<![CDATA[")? I have an outstanding patch to add support for this ready for submission...



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