Im using the latest release of MyFaces.

Im not really sure what to advise. I had it working okay with this approach but I dont have the code anymore unfortuately so cant check back.

Not much more I can suggest really, sorry.

Robert Parsons wrote:


I tried doing what you suggested and obtaining the existing ActionListener on construction of mine, but:


is returning null, so I cant access access the faces application. Are you using MyFaces or the RI?


Tim Davies wrote:

Seems a reasonable question but this does not seem to be the case. If you initialise your reference to the original ApplicationListener in your constructor then I think you should be fine.

I would give it a go and see. This was working fine for me but I admit I didnt look too deeply under the covers.

Robert Parsons wrote:

But if you do it in the faces-config how do you wrap the default action listener? Wouldnt your action listener replace the default one before you get a chance to wrap it?


Tim Davies wrote:

Sorry that was a bit vague.

Mathias suggested initialising the custom ApplicationListener in a ServletContextListener object. However if this is registered as a listener in web.xml then its contextInitialized() method will be called before the FacesContext is initilised and so it will not work.

I think that faces.config is probably the best place to set this as then you know that it will always be set when faces is used and do not have to worry about maintaining it in your own code somewhere.

Robert Parsons wrote:

Thanks for the quick reply.

I thought you said that at context initialisation the FacesContext was not initialised? I have not tried it myself however. I decided to wrap the handler when the first session is created instead. Is there a better place to create the wrapper?


Tim Davies wrote:

Mathias wrote a version that will do this earlier in this thread.

Basically you need to get and store a reference to the original actionlistener in your actionlistener. Then in your processaction method you perform your work or set up your try catch block and then call processAction on the original actionlistener.

Robert Parsons wrote:

I'm a little confused. If I register it in the faces-config.xml, how do I then pass on the action to the existing action listener? (the one that actually does something) Or is that not how it works. I can only find information on action listeners for components, not global ones like this.

Tim Davies wrote:

Just as an update to this, if you want to register your own ActionListener then you can do so by adding the following element to your faces-config.xml file.


I tried it in the context listener but the FacesContext will not have been initialised at the point when it is run.

Thanks for the tips on this though. Has proved interesting.


Mathias Brökelmann wrote:

the actionlistener which is accessed/registered through Application is
responsible for handling actions.

2005/11/6, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
That's good to know. Does it work for action as well as actionListener?

On 11/6/05, Mathias Brökelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It´s quite easy to change the handling for invoking action methods. Simply wrap existing ActionListener Implementation of processAction
with an try and catch block:

FacesContext context = FacesContext.getInstance();
final ActionListener actionListener =
ActionListener wrappedActionListener = new ActionListener()
 public void processAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) throws
 catch(Throwable t)
  // do generic action exception handling here

You can implement it in a
javax.servlet.ServletContextListener.contextInitialized() method. and
register the listener in your web.xml file.

2005/11/5, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
It doesn't appear that there's an easy way to do this.
The events are triggered from UIComponentBase.broadcast() which calls
each event.processListener() method which calls
ActionListener.processAction() which calls methodBinding.invoke().

Ideally, you'd want to specify a custom methodBinding.invoke() that wrapped the error for you. Facelets does things differently -- maybe
there's a way to create alternate MethodBinding rules for
ActionSources which create your subclass of MethodBinding rather than the default MethodBinding instances. You could try asking about that
on the facelets mailing list.

Another possiblity is to use aspect-oriented-programming (AOP) to intercept methodBinding.invoke(). However, I don't use AOP, so I can't tell you anything beyond that it appears to do what you need.

On 11/5/05, Robert Parsons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thanks for the reply. the wording of my question was a little bit off. I was looking for an automatic way for Exceptions that were thrown in any action method to automatically be added as a message (instead of the
horrible error screens i get from facelets at the moment).

The only other option other than an automatic method would be to wrap a try-catch around all the code of every action I have and generate a message when an exception is caught. Sounds like that might have to be the way I do

Thanks anyway,

Volker Weber wrote:

you can add a Message to FacesContect.



Robert Parsons wrote:


Is there an easy way to make exceptions thrown by action methods (on backing beans) to generate messages? Or would this only be possible by
modifying the MyFaces code.

Thanks heaps,



Tim Davies
Analyst Developer

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