
we (a small team of applied-computer-science-students at the
Ruhr-University of Bochum) want to create an Opensource-CSS-Editor for
web-applications based on the JavaServer Faces-specification.
Therefore we need a formalized database (or a simple text/xml-file or
something equal) which contains informations about all the avaible
attributes defined in the several CSS-Versions and the values which
are allowed for each attribute (of course informations about
browser-compatibility would also be great).

I'm thinking about a formalized database which contains informations like these:

Attribute-Name: text-align
Category: visual
CSS-Version: 1, 2, 3
Initial: browserspecific
Value: fixed
Possible Value: left | right | center | justify | <string> | inherit
Short-Description: This property describes how text is aligned within
the element. The actual justification algorithm used is UA and human
language dependent.
Inhereted: yes
Applies to: block-level elements
Example: text-align: center;

It would be perfect if we could develop our CSS-Editor based on such a
database, but we can not find such kind of information-source on the
W3C-Homepage. They just serve "human-readable" xhtml-sites but nothing
which we can analyse with a computer. Also searching around using
Google didn't help - it seems so that such an information-source does
not exist! The only thing we found was a project which seems to be
dead (last updated: 29 May 2001):

>From which source obtain other CSS-editors and CSS-validators the
informations which values in which CSS-versions are allowed for a
attribute and which attributes exist - do we need to build up such a
database by our own?

Hendrik Neumann,

Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany

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