Bobby Rosenberger wrote:
Hey everyone,

I've floundered enough.

I would like to dynamically create a link that has an associated actionListener. I understand how to do it using the tags... but dynamically, I'm getting stumped... could someone help me over the hump? (my hump, my hump, ... ok shoot me.) I'm creating the link as follows:

UICommand link = new UICommand();

I've also defined the following method:

public void listen(ActionEvent e){
        String id = e.getComponent().getClientId(getContext());
        System.out.println("Link Id: " + id);

Now the question is.. how the heck to I hood the two together? I would like the "listen" method to be called when anyone clicks on the link...

I've not done this programmatically myself, but I believe that this all follows the generic listener pattern.

The class containing the listen method needs to implement interface ActionListener - or you need to create a simple class that does implement that interface (eg as an inner class or an anonymous class), just like the standard listener pattern for Swing or other apps.

You then call



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