Title: Message
Hi all,
I'm having some problems creating a set of tables in tabbed panes dynamically. I've searched the mailing list and the web but could not find anything that is helping me moving forward.
I'm creating the TabbedPane dynamically since the individual tabs are a result from a Database query. Each of the tabs is supposed to display a subset of data grouped to the Panel.
  String bindingString = "#{parameterTypeBean.parameterTypeTables["
    + index + "]}";
  ValueBinding binding = getFacesContext().getApplication()
  HtmlPanelTab tab = new HtmlPanelTab();
  List data;
  UIData uidata = new UIData();
  try {
   data = "">
   setparameterTypeTables(index, uidata);
  } catch (DataStoreException d) {
   data = "" ArrayList(0);
  UIComponent table = createTable(label + "Table", // Id
    "row" + id, // Var
    data, // Value
    binding); // Binding
  List tableChildren = table.getChildren();
  ValueBinding vb = getFacesContext().getApplication()
    .createValueBinding("#{row" + id + ".id}");
  UIColumn idColumn = createColumn();
  idColumn.setId(label + "Id");
  idColumn.setValueBinding("value", vb);
the tabs display fine, but the tables show 1 element each (there are 11 elements in one table, 2 in another and others are empty).
As well when I remove the binding the tables show up - however without any content (meaning the Column data does not display, but the size is correct).
I need to be able to select individual elements from the table, but don't expect to edit them directly (comamnd links).
Many thanks for any help in advance,

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