Hi Marius,

thank you for your answer, but the only parent tags of my <tree2> element are the <view> and the <body> elements. For each row in the tree there will be an individual table rendered, right? Which style do I need to set to adjust the spacing between adjacent tables to zero?

Thanks again - any more ideas anyone?


on 11/29/2005 12:48 AM Marius Kreis stated:
This looks to me like an issue with the surrounding tag. Is your tree inside of a table? Then probably the height-attribute of the <td> tag might cause the stretching of the tree...

Kurt Edegger wrote:


I do have troubles with the tree2 component. I implemented a little demo page, where the data from the example of the source distribution (myfaces-1.1.1-src)
is displayed in a tree2 component. The tree is rendered fully functional
(server  side and client side handling), but there's a big optical issue.
Between each row of the tree, there's a gap and the table cells containing the graphical tree representation contain additional borders on their left and right side. It seems to be a CSS issue, but I copied the CSS from the source distribution. The CSS is readbecause I can change attributes like font size and color. How do I get rid of the spacing between the actual tables (each row a table on
its own, right?)?

Please find a small image of the rendered response (a pic says more than 1000
Thank you for your help,



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