I have a Shale/MyFaces/tiles application which "almost" works. I have been staring at this so long I think I'm confusing myself even further.. Here's my problem (which may or may not be related to opening new windows using _javascript_):

I have the foll. code in worklist/nextAssignment.jsp:

<h:commandLink action="#{worklist$nextAssignmentHome.startAssignment}" immediate="true">
        <h:outputText value="#{assignment.urlDisplay} />

The backing bean corresponding to worklist$nextAssignmentHome is AssignmentBean. AssignmentBean.startAssignment() returns the String "twoWindows" which maps to /twoWindows.jsp which has _javascript_ so that a child window is opened. The idea is that when people have finished their work on the child window, they will (close it and) return to the parent window and click on a button/link which says they are done.

The backing bean for "twoWindows" is TwoWindowsBean.

Now in the "parent" window I have the following:
<h:commandLink action="#{twoWindows.activityDone}" value="Done" />

This is what I have noticed: if the managed bean "twoWindows" has session scope then things work. However if it has request scope then the activityDone method is not even hit. I am not sure why this is so..?

Thanks very much for your time,

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