Hi Mike,

thank you for your response.

on 12/2/2005 7:30 AM Mike Kienenberger stated:
> Can you post the setter method for ds in CasesJdbcDAO?

Here are the crucial parts of CasesJdbcDAO:
/* the field definition [1]*/
private JDBCDataSource ds;

/* the setter*/
public void setDs(JDBCDataSource dataSource) {
  this.ds = dataSource;

> Also can you post the class definition line for JDBCDataSource?
The JDBCDataSource class is very simple and just holds an javax.sql.DataSource object. Here are the interesting parts:

/*the class definition */
public class JDBCDataSource{
        /*the javax.sql.DataSource*/
        private DataSource ds;
        private String jndiLookup;
        public DataSource getDs() {
                return ds;


The issue again: If I change the name of the field in CasesJdbcDAO at position [1] to dataSource, and adjust the injection in faces-config.xml accordingly the application crashes with the stated exception.

Any ideas?


The question is can JDBCDataSource be coerced to the type of getDs()?

On 12/2/05, Kurt Edegger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I do have a question relating to properties of managed beans defined in
faces-config.xml. I do face the following situation of two beans:


       <!--  [1] -->

The first bean is injected into the second one and everything works
fine, but as I wrote the code I decided to name the managed-property of
the second bean 'dataSource' since it's more descriptive.
I renamed the field in the class and the setter as well.
But when the casesDAOBean is contructed at runtime, the application
crashes with an exception 'javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: Attempt to
coerce a value of type "JDBCDataSource" to type "javax.sql.DataSource"'.

Somehow the property name is recognized as type, even I had to declared
it in CasesJdbcDAO anyway (JDBCDataSource dataSource; ).

Why am I not allowed to call the field like a class in the package

I had a hard time to find this one, since I wouldn't think of simply
renaming the field solved the issue.
Any clues why this happens?



P.S.: Yep, sorry, not really myfaces related ;)

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