Doesn't look to bad for us!

thanks for the info ;)



On 12/2/05, Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> just some figures from my profiling sessions for verification (meaning:
> have sou seen similar/comparable numbers)
> Application:     VERY simple application (crossbar helloWorld) with no
> business
>                 logic, just one string attribute with a pure
> getter/setter-access
> Servlet-Engine:  Tomcat 5.0
> Hardware:        IBM R50 laptop (1.5MHz Centrino, 1GB of memory)
> Profiler:        Yourkit 4.0
> JDK:             Sun 1.4.2
> Usecase:         results in 10 requests, 1 with a validation exception
> Load:            1 single user
> Versions:
>  - MyFaces       1.1.0
>  - RI            1_1_01
> (all values in milliseconds)
>            Lifecycle-phase
>        State   Rest    Apply   Proc.    Upd.    Invok Rendr  Total CPU
>                View    Req.    Valid. Model Appl        Resp
> ms/Request
> MF      Srvr   50        10      10       10      0      320        42
>      Clnt      300      10       0        0     10      741       108
> RI      Srvr     40      90      50        0     10      570        77
>      Clnt      711      70      40       20     20     1492       237
> retained memory after 10 requests
> MyFaces Server: 64kB (4 kB in Session)
>        Client: 65kB (0.5 kB in Session)
> RI      Server: 46kB (9 kB in Session)
>        Client: 29kB (0.5 kB in Session)
> Size of transferred state-info (2 views...)
>                  welcome.jsf response.jsf
> MyFaces (2Fields) 1836 Bytes  1532 Bytes
> RI (1 Field)      1444 Bytes  1220 Bytes
> Conclusions:
> - MyFaces seems to be lighter on CPU (roughly 50% of RI)
> - RI seems to be lighter on Memory (roughly 50-65% of MF)
> - MyFaces-server-state produces a smaller session (roughly 50% of RI)
> - RI-client-state transfers less (about 75% of MF)
> - RI has less memory allocated outside the session (roughly 50-65% of
> MF)
> Unknowns:
> - What happens with the memory-footprint when more than 1 concurrent
> user
>  are producing load?
> - How are the CPU-footprints when the views get more complex?
> Comments/Ideas/Recommendations are VERY welcome
> Alexander
> PS: if someone creates a facelet-version of the sample-application I
> would
>    try to recreate the same measurements. Please contact me. The
> Crossbar-
>    Application had to be changed to work with JSF 1.1!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Marinschek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 12:37 PM
> To: MyFaces Discussion
> Subject: Re: Re: MyFaces for production?
> Hi,
> no performance measurement here - but 5 JSF intranet and 3 internet
> applications deployed here on MyFaces, no problems with performance
> whatsoever.
> Interesting for the performance is the switch between client-side and
> server-side state saving - client-side is better for memory,
> server-side is much better for CPU performance!
> regards,
> Martin
> On 12/2/05, Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21)
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sounds like time to do thread-dumps (and -analysis)...
> >
> > Have you two done some performance-measurements on your apps?
> >
> > regards
> > Alexander
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Werner Punz
> > Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 9:59 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: MyFaces for production?
> >
> > Francesco Consumi wrote:
> >
> > > Performance is good, we have only some problem with
> > >, our main site, that somewhere
> > locks
> > > java process at 100% of cpu, but we're investigating....
> > >
> > Interesting, I never have had that issue, with now two big JSF
> programs
> > an a number
> > of small internal hacks.
> > My guess is that there is some deadlock in the app code, to my
> knowledge
> > MyFaces does not have any isse in this area.
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Your JSF powerhouse -
> JSF Consulting, Development and
> Courses in English and German
> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces


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