
i found an old bug for this and added comment and patch:

  to clear the values just null the binding properties in your bean.


Matthias Kahlau wrote:
> Hi Volker!
> You can find a hint to "spread" layout in the TLD Documentation of Tomahawk
> for the t:radio tag.
> Do you also need a BackingBean for the example? I used f:selectItems in my
> app, but using f:selectItem or f:selectItems makes no difference, I hope.
> Regards,
> Matthias
>>-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Auftrag
>>von Volker Weber
>>Gesendet: Freitag, 2. Dezember 2005 18:57
>>An: MyFaces Discussion
>>Betreff: Re: UI component behavior problem
>>Hi Mathias,
>>never heard of layout="spread" before, it's illegal value according to
>>the tld, but i looked into the source and the examples and at least i
>>hopefully have understand what it mean and how it works,
>>And my conclusion is there is a bug in this component. The submitted
>>value is never rendered back if layout=spread.
>>Could you, or someone else, create a small example to confirm this?
>>Just a page with selectOneRadio with layout=spread, some
>>correspondending radio tags and a command with immediate=true (to
>>prevent validation ) and no action (is that possible?) to force rerender
>>the same view. If i am correct the submitted value will get lost.
>>If someone confims this and file a jira issue i can provide a patch to
>>fix this.
>>  Volker
>>Matthias Kahlau wrote:
>>>Hi Volker!
>>>I have investigated the misbehavior in relation to the attributes of the
>>>selectOneRadios used, and I can report you the following:
>>>- the selection is preserved in selectOneRadio using layout =
>>>and immediate = true/false
>>>- the selection is preserved in selectOneRadio using layout = spread and
>>>immediate = true
>>>- the selection is NOT preserved in selectOneRadio using layout
>>= spread and
>>>immediate = false
>>>The same goes for the one selectManyCheckbox with layout =
>>spread I used:
>>>- the selection is preserved in selectManyCheckbox using layout
>>spread and
>>>immediate = true
>>>- the selection is NOT preserved in selectManyCheckbox using
>>layout spread
>>>and immediate = false
>>>There are no errors in the logging output except of the following, but I
>>>don't know if it has sth. to do with the problem:
>>>ERROR [org.apache.myfaces.taglib.UIComponentTagUtils] Invalid expression
>>>So I've got a notion that the "misbehavior" must have something
>>to do with
>>>using layout = spread! The value(s) of input components using layout =
>>>spread is only stored in the component when using immediate = true.
>>>I have to state that the commandLink I use to navigate to the
>>subform page
>>>also uses immediate = true, in order that there's no validation
>>until the
>>>user presses the save button at the end of his task.
>>>At the moment, it seems that I have to use immediate = true for
>>all input
>>>components using layout = spread, in order that the values are
>>>But that way, there will be the validations I didn't want to have.
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