Thank you.

I think i will try a similiar approach.

Regards Ronald

Yee CN wrote:
What I did is that I maintain an enum called screenMode={VIEW,EDIT,ADDNEW}
in the backing bean.
        public boolean isEditMode() {
                return this.screenMode == ScreenMode.EDIT || this.screenMode
== ScreenMode.ADDNEW;
        public boolean isAddnewMode() {
                return this.screenMode == ScreenMode.ADDNEW;
                //return this.addNew;

         * Getting/Setting the ScreenMode Enum as String
         * @return String
        public String getScreenMode() {
                return this.screenMode.toString() ;
        public void setScreenMode(String mode) {
                this.screenMode = ScreenMode.valueOf(mode) ;

In your jsf file you will do:
<t:saveState value=”#{myBean.screenMode}” />
<h:selectOneMenu rendered="#{!myBean.editMode}"

Hope this help.


-----Original Message-----
From: "R. Müller" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, 5 December 2005 11:06 PM
Subject: editable forms

hi group,

in a particular form i want the fields only editable, if there is explicitly set a edit-param.

I've tried it with the following code :

<h:outputText    rendered="#{empty param.edit}"

<h:selectOneMenu rendered="#{!empty param.edit}"

        <f:selectItems value="#{selectItems}" />

But i've noticed that when submitting the form the 'setter'-method of the 'backingBean.value' is never called. Leaving out the 'rendering'-attribute, which means that the component is always editable everthing works fine.
I've got the same behaviour when using the 'disabled'-attribute.

Does anybody has an explanation for this or hints how to solve this in a 'clean way' ?



*M-Unicomp GmbH
*Ronald Müller
*Plauener Straße 163-165, Haus 11
*13053 Berlin
*fon   : +49 ( 0 ) 30  / 98 69 61 54
*mobil : +49 ( 0 ) 172 / 93 95 00 4
*fax   : +49 ( 0 ) 30  / 98 69 61 55
*web   :

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