Simon, you just pointed out my mistake!
I was using:

getRequestMap().put("#{User}", new User(id));
While I really should have bean using:
getRequestMap().put("User", new User(id));

Notice, the "EL" notation.. As you said, this last line is equivalent to below line when you use request beans:

ValueBinding binding = ctx.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{User}");
binding.setValue(ctx, new User(id));

Thanks for the help!

Just FYI, using
 getRequestMap().put("User", new User(id));

> should be the same as the above code. The expression evaluator simply looks in request, session > and application scopes for an entry of the specified name. If not found, then it looks for a > managed bean declaration and instantiates as described earlier. However as long as you've got
> something working, that's the important bit :-).



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