Simon, the div approach is working just fine.

Thanks a lot


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Kitching [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 7:06 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Tree2 Best Practices.


I'm not sure that Tiles is relevant. It allows you to compose a page 
from different fragments, and easily rearrange the order in which the 
fragments are output in the response.

However if you want some large JSF components (eg a tree with many 
nodes) to be rendered inside a fixed-size box, with scrollbars to access

the bits of the component not currently visible then that's a different 

And if you want a "split-pane" type effect on the screen so that you can

adjust the amount of visible screen allocated to different parts of the 
page then that's also a different issue.

I'm not aware of any JSF components that provide either of these 
features. For the first one, you might like to try wrapping the target 
JSF component in a <div> with explicit size and overflow attributes:
   <div style="width:400; height:400; overflow:scroll">
     <t:tree2 .../>
I haven't tried this myself but it looks like it might work.

An IFrame also presents an embedded scrollable area. However an iframe 
always needs to pull its content from some other URL, so you'd need to 
write a separate page containing your tree component. And as this will 
act within the same session but JSF1.1 doesn't support the concept of 
separate "windows" within a single session I think this will lead to 
major headaches; I expect the iframe page access will effectively 
discard the original page's view when it sees the same session accessing

a different view-url.
     <iframe src="/width="400" height="400" scrolling="auto">

Having a <t:splitPanel> component for the second option would be very 
cool. However I suspect it would be quite a lot of complicated 
javascript to implement (if it's possible at all). I'm willing to try to

implement this if someone will fund the development :-). Or maybe 
there's some existing open-source code out there that can be used. I 
would suggest looking at available JSP tag libraries; I think a standard

JSP tag would work fine with JSF tags in this case (as long as there is 
no parent component with rendersChildren=true?).



Sean Schofield wrote:
> You may want to look into Tiles.
> sean
> On 12/6/05, Matias Gomez Carabias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi guys, I was just wondering which would be the best approach to use
>> tree2 component.
>> I've tried with frames, but I don't know if this would be the
>> solution, is there any jsf or tomahawk component that allows me to
>> the page with scroll bars?
>> I've been reading about frameset and panelLayout but I don't know
>> would be the best approach to follow.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Regards
>> Matias Gomez Carabias

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