
i think there is non need of a my:column. It should suffice just to have
 a columnHeader tag, extending f:facet tag, and just create a UIOutput
component and add this as facet 'header' to the parent component.



Mike Kienenberger wrote:
> Unless you're using some sort of substitution technology like
> facelets, it probably won't be trivial.   You'll need to subclass
> UIColumn to create MyColumn, and then either read the
> <my:columnheader> tag in as a "header" facet, or have the
> <my:columnheader> component create a header facet on its parent
> UIColumn on creation.  At least, that's my understanding of the
> situation.
> On 12/7/05, Juergen Melzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I want to simplify the expression
>>  <x:column >
>>      <f:facet name="header">
>>        <h:outputText value="#{text.firstname}" />
>>      </f:facet>
>>      <h:outputText value="#{auser.firstName}" />
>>    </x:column>
>>with this one:
>>  <my:column>
>>    <my:columnheader value="#{text.firstname}" />
>>    <h:outputText value="#{auser.firstName}" />
>>  </my:column>
>>Does anyone know how to make it?
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