news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 12/07/2005 02:46:07 PM:

> Hi all...
> I have the following dataTable:
> <h:dataTable binding="#{CreateInstance.dataTable1}"
>      id="dataTable1"
>     value="#{CreateInstance.dataTable1Model}"
>     var="currentRow" >
>     <f:verbatim>
>       <colgroup>
>         <col width="200px"/>
>         <col width="200px"/>
>         <col width="200px"/>
>         <col width="500px"/>
>       </colgroup>
>     </f:verbatim>
>   <h:column .....
> ....
> the colgroup element does not show up in the rendered html at all... as
> it if is ignored...
> i tried to remove the <f:verbatim> tags too, and it will still not work
> does anyone know why is that?

I think this will work: try putting stuff inside "<h:column>" elements..

and how can i set he column widths?

Also, adding style class elements like
<h:dataTable columnClasses="searchTable_Column" .. will get you the style you want..(make sure you declare the style sheet up top).

> thanks


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