Have you looked at AjaxAnywhere (http://ajaxanywhere.sourceforge.net/) yet? It works exactly this way, giving you "zones" on the page that get reloaded when certain actions occur.

Jeremy Sager wrote:

Hi guys –

Thanks in advance for your answer to this question…

My company is trying to put together a web client application using JSF that has the look and feel of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform.

While we’ve had a good bit of success so far, I’ve run into an issue that I’m hoping you guys can give me some advice on.

Basically, I need to do partial page refreshes. I have a page with three subpages on it that I am controlling the layout of with tiles, although I am not tied to tiles at this point if it isn’t the right answer.

I need to be able to click on a hyperlink on one of the subpages and initiate a refresh action on another one of the subpages without refreshing the parent page, because two of my subpages require significant database action and hence take some time to load, and a user might typically want to click on a decent number of links in quick succession. (For those of you familiar with RCP, clicking a link in the view opens up a new editor in the editor pane).

I was hoping that you guys could throw some advice my way on how to refresh the pages in a subview or tile without refreshing the whole darn thing.

Jeremy Sager

Data Communications Product Manager

Chesapeake System Solutions

410.356.6805 x120


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