There seems to be a problem while trying to use automatically generated subview id  in myfaces1.1.1

According to TLD file ID attribute is created automatically when omitted. At the same time ID attribute is defined as


This causes compile time error when id is omitted on the <f:subview> tag.


Here is the situation:

  1. If I hardwire subview id on the inner subview – only the last row component shows up on the screen
  2. If I put EL _expression_ into the id – it does not get interpreted and I get error saying that ID must not start with #
  3. If I put JSP _expression_ into the id – like id=”row<=%String.valueOf(section_num)%> it does not get interpreted either resulting in the same error as #2
  4. If I don’t use ID attribute – I get compile time error.
  5. If I “doctor” tld file changing ID attribute description from <required>true</required> to <required>false</required> - everything works beautifully and ID does get generated properly.


Am I missing something here or does TLD file need to be corrected?





  <h:panelGroup id="std_section_layout_body_inc">

    <f:subview id="std_section_layout_body"> 

        <h:panelGrid id="section_layout_body_table" styleClass="table" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" columns="1">




… < skip > ….

        for (int section_num=0; section_num<list.size(); section_num++)



… < skip > ….



            <f:subview>       --- PROBLEM


                    <tiles:insert name="<%=section.getTile()%>" flush="false" ignore="true" >       

                        <tiles:put name="section_title" value="<%=section.getTitle()%>" />

                        <tiles:put name="section_menu" value="<%=section.getMenu()%>" />

                        <tiles:put name="section_body" value="<%=section.getBody()%>" /> 

                        <tiles:put name="section_num"  value="<%=String.valueOf(section_num)%>" />                                                                                       






… < skip > ….







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