Hi Dennis,

i also can't reproduce this, but i found the 404 in the server logs.
I have no idea how this could happen, the tomcat is still running and no
exceptions in the logs there.

Anaway, we have updated the example application to current svn state
now. There were some bugs fixed.

You can get the actually deployed war from this link:


  Volker Weber

Dennis Byrne wrote:
> 1.) http://tobago.atanion.net/tobago-example-demo/
> 2.) click on "Tree Control"
> 3.) click on the second tab.
> 4.) click on the first tab.
> 5.) click on the second tab
> 6.) 404 for http://tobago.atanion.net/tobago-example-
> demo/faces/overview/treeControl.jsp
> ---- Original message ----
>>Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 00:50:59 -0900
>>From: Dennis Byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>>Subject: tobago examples  
>>To: users@myfaces.apache.org
>>I believe I have accidently brought down the demo app for 
>>tobago.  This is the second time I have clicked on one of 
> the 
>>tabs and received an error page, as well as a 404 whenever I 
>>go any page of the app.  
>>I cannot remember the name of the tab I clicked on.  If 
>>someone can tell me how to get a war file, it probably won't 
>>take long for me to retrace my steps.
>>Dennis Byrne
> Dennis Byrne

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