Unless you're using facelets, you're going to have difficulty using
c:forEach with JSF.

Maybe you can use t:dataList instead?   The difference is that
c:forEach operates at component tree build time and dataList operates
at render time, but for most use cases, that doesn't make any
difference to the end-developer.

On 12/20/05, Jeremy Sager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys -
> Thanks in advance for any answers :)
> I need to iterate over something in one of my JSPs that is a list maintained
> in a session scoped JSF bean.
> I am trying to use this JSTL tag:
> <c:forEach var="children" items="$editorPanelBean.list">
> Is this legal?  Or do I need to do something complicated like using a JSP
> scriptlet to get my request parameters and go digging for the map?
> Jeremy Sager
> Data Communications Product Manager
> Chesapeake System Solutions
> 410.356.6805 x120

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