that makes perfect sense.

The natural followup question is:
Would it makes sense to change HtmlTextRendererBase to check for index of
"_id" instead? I dug around in the myfaces code and it seems
PortletExternalContextImpl.encodeNamespace(...) is where the portlet
name is appended to the generated id. Though indexOf could be an
expensive operation to do very often.


On 12/28/05, Martin Marinschek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The reasoning is that every id which doesn't start with _id is meant
> to be a user-set id. If the user sets an id, the assumption is that he
> wants to do something with it - so this is the reason for rendering
> out a span, cause if you don't, the id won't be accessible from CSS or
> javascript.
> regards,
> Martin
> On 12/28/05, Henrik Bentel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > This question is related to issue MYFACES-702
> > (
> >
> >
> > I've got a couple of JSF Portlet  which are running on Liferay 3.6.1.
> > And I'm also experiencing the issue mentioned in MYFACES-702 except that
> > pretty much all my page components gets wrapped in a span element.
> >
> > I've looked in both Liferay and Myfaces sources and so far I've found that
> > Myfaces is the culprit which appends
> > the span element.
> >
> > The logic in the code is that:
> > (if the component has an ID) AND (the ID does NOT start with "_id")
> > then surround the element with a SPAN.
> >
> > The problem is that when running in the portal every components id is
> > "automagically" prefixed with the name of the portlet. So my
> > compoenent ID's are like this: "_reporting__id0", "_reporting__id1",
> > and so on where the portlet name is "reporting". The portlet name
> > matches the <portlet-name> element in portlet.xml.
> >
> > The workaround mentioned in the issue tracker works for the most part.
> > However even verbatim components are surrounded with span tags du to
> > their ID's automatically being
> > prefixed with portlet name. And the <f:verbatim> tag doesn't have an
> > ID attribute so there is no way to avoid the SPAN(spam) elements here.
> >
> > I haven't yet tracked down where  these ID's are being assigned but I
> > was curious if anyone knows the reasoning(or requirement) behind
> > injecting the SPAN element?
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Henrik Bentel
> >
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