Title: What happend to <t:inputCalendar> ???


We are using Tomcat 5.5, JDK 1.5, MyFaces 1.1. We have upgraded from MyFaces 1.09 to 1.1. Before updating, the <t:inputCalendar> (renderedAsPopup) works really fine. But after Upgrading to MyFaces 1.1, it isn't possible to choose something in the YEAR box. When clicking onto a year in the YEAR box, a _javascript_-error-window appears! What happend to <t:inputCalendar> in MyFaces 1.1???

                        <t:inputCalendar id="cal1" monthYearRowClass="yearMonthHeader"
                                weekRowClass="weekHeader" currentDayCellClass="currentDayCell"
                                renderAsPopup="true" popupTodayString="Today is: "
                                popupWeekString="" immediate="true"
                                popupButtonString="Show Calendar"
                                styleClass="font" />

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