
see jsf spec 1.1 : 7.4.2 Default NavigationHandler Implementation


Matthias Kahlau wrote:
> Hi Volker,
> thanks for your support. I didn't know that the view is newly created. Do
> you know a source where this is documented (apart from the source code)?
> Regards,
> Matthias
>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Auftrag
>>von Volker Weber
>>Gesendet: Sonntag, 1. Januar 2006 22:52
>>An: MyFaces Discussion
>>Betreff: Re: AW: AW: EditableValueHolder rendering behavior / Restore
>>Hi Matthias,
>>i think the problem is the return value of your action method.
>>I'm not really sure, so please correct me if the following is incorrect.
>>If a action method returns a value != null the navigation cames in, then
>>a new view is created, also if the new viewId is the same as the old
>>one. If the action method returns null the old view is rerendered.
>>The reason for persistent value in one of your components is the
>>component binding.
>>Try returning null in deleteAuswMoeglichkeiten().
>>  Volker
>>Matthias Kahlau wrote:
>>>Happy new year :)
>>>Here are the code snippets:
>>>The JSF page:
>>><%-- the inputTextarea which is rendered empty again after the
>>JSF page is
>>>redisplayed --%>
>>>    <h:panelGroup>
>>>      <h:outputLabel for="fragetext"
>>>        value="Frage*: "
>>>        styleClass="formLabelTop"
>>>        lang="de"
>>>        title="Textfeld zur Eingabe der Frage" />
>>>      <t:inputTextarea id="fragetext"
>>>        value="#{EinfAuswFrageBacking.einfAuswFrage.fragetext}"
>>>        required="true"
>>>        cols="100"
>>>        rows="3"
>>>        title="Textfeld zur Eingabe der Frage">
>>>        <f:validateLength maximum="256" />
>>>      </t:inputTextarea>
>>>      <f:verbatim><br/></f:verbatim>
>>>      <h:message for="fragetext"
>>>        styleClass="error"
>>>        lang="de"
>>>        title="Fehlermeldung für das Frage Textfeld" />
>>>    </h:panelGroup>
>>><%-- the selectBooleanCheckbox which is rendered empty again
>>after the JSF
>>>page is redisplayed --%>
>>>     <h:panelGroup>
>>>      <h:outputLabel for="mussFrage" value="Antwort erforderlich: "
>>>        styleClass="formLabel"
>>>        lang="de"
>>>        title="Auswahlfeld zur Angabe, ob die Antwort
>>erforderlich ist" />
>>>      <t:selectBooleanCheckbox id="mussFrage"
>>>        value="#{EinfAuswFrageBacking.einfAuswFrage.mussFrage}"
>>>        required="false"
>>>        lang="de"
>>>        title="Auswählen, falls Antwort erforderlich" />
>>>      <h:outputText escape="false" value="&nbsp;Ja, Frage muss
>>>        werden"
>>>        styleClass="formText"
>>>        lang="de"
>>>        title="Auswählen, falls Antwort erforderlich" />
>>>    </h:panelGroup>
>>><%-- the selectOneRadio which is rendered empty again after the
>>JSF page is
>>>redisplayed --%>
>>>     <h:panelGrid columns="1">
>>>      <t:column>
>>>        <h:outputLabel for="auswMoeglichkeitRadios"
>>>          value="Auswahlmöglichkeiten anzeigen:"
>>>          styleClass="formLabel"
>>>          lang="de"
>>>          title="Anzeigeeigenschaften der Auswahlmöglichkeiten" />
>>>        <f:verbatim><br/></f:verbatim>
>>>        <t:selectOneRadio id="auswMoeglichkeitRadios"
>>>          value="#{EinfAuswFrageBacking.auswMoeglichkeitOpt}"
>>>          required="true"
>>>          layout="spread"
>>>          styleClass="formText"
>>>          lang="de"
>>>          title="Radiobuttons zur Auswahl der Anzeigeeigenschaften der
>>>            Auswahlmöglichkeiten">
>>>          <f:selectItems
>>>            value="#{EinfAuswFrageBacking.auswMoeglichkeitOptions}" />
>>>      </t:selectOneRadio>
>>>      </t:column>
>>><%-- the inputText which is NOT rendered empty again after the
>>JSF page is
>>>redisplayed (the value entered is rendered) --%>
>>>      <t:column>
>>>        <t:radio for="auswMoeglichkeitRadios" index="0" />
>>>        <t:inputText id="anzahlSpalten"
>>>          binding="#{EinfAuswFrageBacking.inputTextAnzahlSpalten}"
>>>          value="#{EinfAuswFrageBacking.einfAuswFrage.spalten}"
>>>          required="false"
>>>          readonly="false"
>>>          disabled="false"
>>>          maxlength="2"
>>>          size="2"
>>>          title="Textfeld zur Eingabe der Spaltenanzahl"
>>>          immediate="false">
>>>          <f:validateLongRange minimum="1" maximum="12" />
>>>        </t:inputText>
>>>        <h:outputText escape="false"
>>>          value="&nbsp;(1 bis 12)"
>>>          styleClass="formText"
>>>          lang="de"
>>>          title="Zahlenbereich ist 1 bis 12" />
>>>        <f:verbatim><br/></f:verbatim>
>>>        <h:message for="anzahlSpalten"
>>>          styleClass="error"
>>>          lang="de"
>>>          title="Fehlermeldung für das Spaltenanzahl Textfeld" />
>>>      </t:column>
>>>      <t:column>
>>>        <t:radio for="auswMoeglichkeitRadios" index="1" />
>>>      </t:column>
>>>    </h:panelGrid>
>>><%-- the dataTable from which rows are deleted with the button
>>below --%>
>>>    <t:dataTable id="dataTableAuswahlmoeglichkeiten"
>>>      binding="#{EinfAuswFrageBacking.dataTable}"
>>>      value="#{EinfAuswFrageBacking.auswMoeglichkeitenModel}"
>>>      var="row"
>>>      renderedIfEmpty="true"
>>>      preserveDataModel="false">
>>>      <t:column width="30">
>>>        <t:selectBooleanCheckbox
>>>          required="false"
>>>          lang="de"
>>>          title="Auswahlmoeglichkeit auswählen zum Löschen"
>>>          immediate="false" />
>>>      </t:column>
>>>     ...
>>>    </t:dataTable>
>>><%-- the action button to delete rows with --%>
>>>    <h:commandButton value="Auswahl Entfernen"
>>>      action="#{EinfAuswFrageBacking.deleteAuswMoeglichkeiten}"
>>>      immediate="true" />
>>>The action method of the EinfAuswFrageBacking.java Backing-Bean:
>>>public String deleteAuswMoeglichkeiten() {
>>>    List toDelete = this.getSelectedAuswMoeglichkeiten();
>>>    Iterator it = toDelete.iterator();
>>>    while (it.hasNext()) {
>>>      this.auswMoeglichkeitenList.remove(it.next());
>>>    }
>>>    int size = this.auswMoeglichkeitenList.size();
>>>    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
>>>      Auswahlmoeglichkeit am =
>>>        .get(i);
>>>      am.setAuswahlindex(new Integer(i + 1));
>>>    }
>>>    this.checkbox.setSelected(false);
>>>    return Constants.ACTION_SUCCESS;
>>>  }
>>>     <from-view-id>/Management/Fragen/EinfAuswFrage.jsp</from-view-id>
>>>     <navigation-case>
>>>             <from-outcome>success</from-outcome>
>>>     </navigation-case>
>>>By the way: the inputTextarea is not the only component which
>>is rendered
>>>empty when the page is redisplayed after submitting it
>>non-empty - it also
>>>happens to the selectBooleanCheckbox, and to the
>>selectOneRadio, but not to
>>>the inputText, which renders the value entered before
>>submitting the page
>>>(In my last email, I spuriously wrote that the inputText is
>>rendered empty,
>>>but it actually was an inputTextarea!).
>>>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Auftrag
>>>>von Volker Weber
>>>>Gesendet: Samstag, 31. Dezember 2005 13:22
>>>>An: MyFaces Discussion
>>>>Betreff: Re: AW: EditableValueHolder rendering behavior / Restore View
>>>>Matthias, can you post the relevant jsf code, and the
>>>>action/actionListener code?
>>>>This may help us to see what's wrong.
>>>> Volker
>>>>Matthias Kahlau wrote:
>>>>>Hi Simon,
>>>>>>Perhaps your button is inside a different form from the one containing
>>>>>>your input text? HTML only supports submitting one form, so all
>>>>>>components in other forms will see their input as missing, ie
>>will have
>>>>>>their submitted value reset..
>>>>>Actually not - all components are contained in the same form....
>>>>>Looks buggy....
>>>>>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>m Auftrag
>>>>>>von Simon Kitching
>>>>>>Gesendet: Samstag, 31. Dezember 2005 05:33
>>>>>>An: MyFaces Discussion
>>>>>>Betreff: Re: EditableValueHolder rendering behavior / Restore View
>>>>>>Matthias Kahlau wrote:
>>>>>>>Hi all!
>>>>>>>I have an non-immediate inputText in my form, and an immediate
>>>>>>>to delete some selected rows in a table. When the user enters
>>>>>>some text in
>>>>>>>the inputText and deletes some rows after that, the same JSF page is
>>>>>>>redisplayed, but the inputText is empty again. Why isn't the
>>>>>>submitted value
>>>>>>>of the inputText rendered?
>>>>>>It will be in the usual case.
>>>>>>Perhaps your button is inside a different form from the one containing
>>>>>>your input text? HTML only supports submitting one form, so all
>>>>>>components in other forms will see their input as missing, ie
>>will have
>>>>>>their submitted value reset..
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