"Matias Gomez Carabias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/03/2006 12:59:04 PM:

> Geeta, thanks for your reply, I’ve solved using the following approach:

> <h:commandLink id="dTSearch" styleClass="aSearch" > > open('DocumentTypes.faces','','width=200,height=300,top=100,left=100')">
>     <h:outputText value="Find DocType"/>
>     <f:param name="activeFolder" value="#{documentBean.activeFolderName}"/>
>   </h:commandLink>
> The problem I’m having is that when a link is clicked in the new
> window with some value, I want that value to fill up an h:inputText
> in the main page which called the new window.

> In the new window I’m doing something like this:
> <h:commandLink immediate="true" action=""> > selectDocumentType}" >
>             <h:outputText value="#{node.description}"
> styleClass="nodeFolder"/>

>             <h:outputText value=" (#{node.childCount})"
> styleClass="childCount" rendered="#{!empty node.children}"/>

> <f:param name="selectedDocType" value="#{node.description}"/>

> </h:commandLink>
> and in the documentHandler.selectDocumentType I’m setting the value
> in the property bound to the h:inputText , but the main page is
> never refreshed so the change is not made.

> Did you have a similar problem?
> Thanks a lot
> Matias

Hi Matias, I didn't have to do anything in the new window which had to be "transferred" back to the old one, so I did not have your problem. However, check this link out; it may solve your problem:



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