Yes, I tried this, but only without adjusting all the code since I don't have enough time to rewrite the db fetching method.

It seems like invoking an action shows the same behavior. The action crashes on the second call, but that could be my code.


Dennis Byrne wrote:
Did you try it w/ an action ?  What happens when you set the action attribute 
of the command to a backing bean method?

-----Original Message-----
From: Thierry Buecheler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2006 02:52 PM
To: 'MyFaces Discussion'
Subject: Re: ActionListener invoked over and over

O.k, the problem does not occur if I use the RI dataTable and RI columns.

It seems like the t:dataTable re-envokes the actionListener in this specific case.

Looks like a bug (how do I report this?).

Unfortunately I need the headerStyle attribute (which does only exist in tomahawk) to format my table. Does anyone have another idea how to display columns with different widths?


Dennis Byrne wrote:

Hmmm ... what about an action ?  Are actions doing this also? What happens if 
you temporarily swap the RI w/ MyFaces implementation ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Thierry Buecheler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:59 AM
To: 'MyFaces Discussion'
Subject: Re: ActionListener invoked over and over

Yes, the same thing happens. I am using SUN RI 1.0 with Tomahawk from MF 1.1.1.

The following classes are called after the last bracket of selectReference when using a debugger to step through:

- NativeMethodAccessorImpl
- DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
- Method
- MethodBindingImpl
- UICommand
- UIData
- UIViewRoot
--> ReferenceBean.selectReference again

Thank you for your help,

Dennis Byrne wrote:

Does the same thing happen if everything in selectReference is commented out?  
Which version of MyFaces are you using?

-----Original Message-----
From: Thierry Buecheler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2006 03:37 AM
To: 'MyFaces Discussion'
Subject: ActionListener invoked over and over

Hi everybody

On a page which lists books I provide an "edit" Button where users can change informations on books:


<t:column ...

<t:commandLink id="EditBook" action="editor"
<t:outputText value="Edit" />
<f:param id="editId" name="id" value="#{}" />



public void selectReference(ActionEvent event) {

UIParameter component = (UIParameter) event.getComponent().findComponent("editId");

String id = component.getValue().toString();



It looks like the method selectReference is invoked over and over again (for each column in the dataTable), which results in the fact that always the last reference is selected (and displayed in the editor) at the end.

Anybody knows why ActionListeners could be invoked more than once?

Thanks for any help!


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