Simon Kitching wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-01-02 at 18:00 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>Hi all!
>>I'm just trying the SelectManyCheckbox component. What is the best
>>Object type the value of the SelectManyCheckbox should point to?
>>Should I take a List or a Long[]  or a Object[]? What should be
>>And how can I retrieve the selected items in my backing bean?
>><h:selectManyCheckbox id="Datenarten" required="true"
>>        <f:selectItems value="#{queryHelper.datenartContact}"/> 
> Hopefully the improved taglib documentation in the current MyFaces TRUNK
> makes this clear. Search this file for "selectManyCheckbox":
> If the docs still aren't clear enough, please let me know.

If the value binding is a List, then the myfaces assumes (per the spec)
that all elements are of type String, not the same type as

That should be made clear and since using a List does work unintuitively
like that, I'd suggest listing it last, after "Object array or primitive

Dave Brondsema
Software Developer
Cornerstone University

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