I have this really weird problem I can't explain. I'm hoping someone can give me some insight. The problem is that my backing bean isn't being updated properly during the update model phase, *unless* I include a hidden input. With the source listed below it works fine, but if I remove the h:inputHidden I get a call to getDescription() instead of setDescription().

The action for the h:commandButton fires, but because the model hasn't been updated it has no effect. Here's the code:

<h:commandButton value="#{msgs['label.Save']}"

<h:inputText id="description"
    rendered="#{backing.renderMode eq 'edit'}"/>

<h:inputHidden id="mode" value="edit"
    rendered="#{backing.renderMode eq 'edit'}"/>

    rendered="#{not empty backing.project
                and backing.renderMode eq 'view'}"/>

As I say, as long as I have that hidden input everything's fine. I have an h:messages in my view and it's not showing any conversion or validation errors, with or without the hidden input.

I don't understand :-( Any help would be appreciated!


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