Hi Geeta,
Thank you for your answer, but could you explain what the list has to do with my problem? I suppose that you mean with "list" the value-attribute of the dataTable-component, which is in my case a Collection of model-objects.

Gesendet: Montag, 9. Januar 2006 15:36
An: MyFaces Discussion
Betreff: Re: commandLink does not work within a dataTable

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/09/2006 06:14:07 AM:

> Hi,
> I have got a problem with the commandLink-components within a
> dataTable. The connected actionListener-method is never executed and
> the same view is displayed without any changes. It is a very weird
> problem, because a quite similar view with commandLinks in a
> dataTable does work(!) and this one not!! I could not find any
> reason why it is not working:
> <t:dataTable id="articletypesByProductlevel" var="articletyp" ...>
>                   <h:column>
>                     <f:facet name="header">
>                       <h:outputText value="Bezeichnung"/>
>                     </f:facet>
>                     <h:commandLink id="chooseArticletypeLnk"
>                actionListener="#{createArticleBean.chooseArticletype}">
>                       <h:outputText id="itemtext"
> value="#{articletyp.itemtext}"/>
>                     </h:commandLink>
>                <h:inputHidden id="id" value="#{articletyp.id}"/>
>                   </h:column>
> ...
> <t:datatable>

Hi Unsal, you have two choices (that I know of!): either place your list in session scope or use <t:saveState for your list.


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