
As everyone on post mentions about the jenia4faces popups , I have used that and its working gr8 for me. Thanks to all for that.

But I have a problem of disabling a button in certain cases, so dat it shldnt be clickable and therefore should not allow popup to open.
There is a property called disabled=true, but even though using it the button clicks and opens the popup.

Below is my jsp code..

<h:form id="pop">
<h:panelGrid columns="3" styleClass="explorerBar" width="100%"
    cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="30%">
    <jp:popupFrame scrolling="no" height="150px" width="350px" actionOpen="#{projectLeafActions.goPopup}" actionClose="#{projectLeafActions.popupReturn}" center="true" >
        <h:commandButton id="addtaskbutton" value="Add Task"
           ;      disabled="#{!projectLeafActions.isAddEnabled}"
    <h:commandButton id="edittaskbutton" value="Edit" 
    <h:commandButton id="deletetaskbutton" value="Delete" 

I want the "Add Task" button to be disabled if "projectLeafActions.isAddEnabled" returns false . The code works fine in FireFox but not in IE.
Is this some sort of  bug.. ? Any workaround for this.. ?
Any help wud be appreciated.


Nikita Shah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a situation where i have to use a popup on one of the tabs of TabbedPane.
Now when am trying to use jenia4faces popupFrame tag, it requires it to be inside the h:form element.. But i get _javascript_ error when i use h:form on the page..
saying "f has no properties" ..this element is formed in _javascript_ by some hidden dummyForm..

The jsp containing tabbedPanel is below:

<t:panelTabbedPane styleClass="tabs"
               &nbs p; inactiveSubStyleClass="inactiveSub"
    <f:subview id="pmtabview" >
        <t:panelTab id="PMTab" label="Project Manager View" rendered="#{tabbedPanel.pmTabVisible}">
            <jsp:include page="pmView.jsp"/>
    <f :subview id="potabview" >
        <t:panelTab id="POTab" label="Project Owner View" rendered="#{tabbedPanel.poTabVisible}">
            <jsp:include page="poView.jsp"/>

The pmView.jsp is as below :

<f:subview id="pop">
     <h:form id="p2">   
        <jp:popupFrame id="xx" scrolling="yes" height="450px" width="550px" actionOpen="#{projectLeaf.goPopup}" center="true" actionClose="#{projectLeaf.popupReturn}">
     &nbs p;      <h:outputText value="Popup frame"/>

<t:dataTable id="taskTable" styleClass="taskTable"
    rowClasses="taskTable_Row1,taskTable_Row2" var="task"
    value="#{projectLeaf.tasks}" >
        <f:verbatim>& lt;DIV STYLE="float: left"></f:verbatim>
        <t:graphicImage value="../images/tick.jpg" rendered="#{task.isCompleted}" border="0"/>
        <t:graphicImage value="../images/block.jpg" rendered="#{!task.isCompleted}" border="0"/>               
        <h:outputText value="#{task.name}" />

I am not getting a clue why am not allowed to use the h:form tag on the pmView.jsp .. ?
Can anyone suggest me where am i going wrong ..?
Any help wud be appreciated.


Werner Punz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
::SammyR ulez:: wrote:
> not sure but I think

a target="_new" should do it, but opening popups is calling for trouble,
you basically open a can of worms, due to the fact that you do not have
a modal dialog mechanism which works across browsers.
That is one and pretty much the only thing the IE has as significant
advantage over all other browsers, that you are able to open modal windows.

As someone pointed out already, before opening popup windows, rather go
for a jenia4faces like popup mechanism. This one delivers modal like
mechanisms without having to open a new window.

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