Reading this thread I came up with this idea: Have the render-kit create a dom-representation of the UI-tree. Then have a transform-mechanism convert it inot either html or pdf or wml, or... according to the useragents needs or according to some other request-settings that control the finaldisposition of the output
regards Alexander ________________________________ From: Jurgen Lust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 11:19 AM To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: Re: easiest way to get a jsf page as pdf download I would definitely write pdf renderers for some components if other people want to help... Jurgen Matthias Wessendorf schreef: Right Juergen! would you like to volunteer ? :-) SpringMVC has some *pdf* based rendering stuff. -Matthias On 1/17/06, Jurgen Lust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Theoretically, you could write a new RenderKit which renders a JSF page to PDF instead of HTML. It would probably even work with AcroForms... Jurgen Simon Kitching schreef: Hi Hans, What Matthias describes below is where you have a JSF page, and you want a button labelled "generate report" or similar that creates some kind of PDF document then serves it up to the user's browser. But that PDF isn't "a picture of the current page", it's a PDF generated using data pulled from a database or something like that. If that's really what you are after then FOP is a good tool for that; your java code creates some xml using the FO schema, then feeds it to the FOP library. Nothing to do with JSF though. There is no way to "generate a pdf that looks like my html screen" from java code which I believe is what you want to do. Some browsers provide a "print page" option, and some operating systems provide a "print to PDF" option in the print dialog so that's one way of creating a PDF that contains the current page but it's manual. The FOP project is here: Regards, Simon On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 09:58 +0100, Hansjörg Meuschel wrote: Hi Matthias, thanks for your help... a friend of mine also recommended FOP in between. I took a look at the api but it seems to me that FOP uses XML to generate a PDF? ! --> So how can I convert my jsf page into the required FOP-input format?? I could not find any docu to fop (except some broken links...) ? regards, Hans Matthias Wessendorf wrote: Hansjoerg, we have worked with Apache FOP for creating pdfs. iText or JasperReports are also lib that help you on that task. inside of your backing bean method (referenced by a commandLink or cmdButton) you can do somthing like this: public String pdf() { FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if(!ctx.getResponseComplete()) { HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) ctx.getExternalContext().getResponse(); byte[] file = //do some FOP, or ... stuff; response.setContentType("application/pdf"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"foo.pdf\""); response.setContentLength(file.length); OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); out.write(file, 0, file.length); out.flush(); out.close(); ctx.responseComplete(); return null; } This will work in p(l)ain servlet or struts world too (expect of the usage of jsf api (like FacesContext)) However, the *magic* here is the responseComplete() <from_java_doc> Signal the JavaServer Faces implementation that the HTTP response for this request has already been generated (such as an HTTP redirect), and that the request processing lifecycle should be terminated as soon as the current phase is completed. </from_java_doc> and yes... it's getResponseComplete() instead of isResponseComplete() HTH, Matthias On 1/15/06, Hansjörg Meuschel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi folks, does anybody know what is the easiest way to get a jsf page as pdf download? Are there any libraries available for free? -- Matthias Wessendorf Zülpicher Wall 12, 239 50674 Köln mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com -- Among flowers, the cherry blossom. Among men, me. -- Matthias Wessendorf Zülpicher Wall 12, 239 50674 Köln mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com -- Among flowers, the cherry blossom. Among men, me.