Hi All,

I want to use ADF component in my project.

I have done all the instruction in the installed page:


I also add the missing adfshare.jar file.

But I still can not use ADF components; I am getting an error telling me I have ADF filter problem.

The error I get:

WARNING: The AdfFacesFilter has not been installed.  ADF Faces requires this filter for proper execution.

18:27:09.728 WARN!! [P1-19] org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$Context.log(ServletHandler.java:1151) >24> org.apache.jasper.JasperException

javax.faces.FacesException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException

      at org.apache.myfaces.context.servlet.ServletExternalContextImpl.dispatch(ServletExternalContextImpl.java:415)

      at org.apache.myfaces.application.jsp.JspViewHandlerImpl.renderView(JspViewHandlerImpl.java:280)


I have define ADF filter like it describe in the installation page (attached my web.xml file).


My environment is:

-          Eclipse IDE

-          Jetty 5.0 server.

-          MyFaces version 1.0.9


Does any one can tell me what I missing here?

Why I can not use ADF components?



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